Assessment Week and Rebooking for the Autumn and Summer term 2022.
Next week is an assessment week.
What does it mean for your child/ children?
Between the 13th of June- the 19th of June our team will do final assessments that allow us to evaluate your child/ children’s swimming skills to check are they ready for the next level or do they have to work more at the current one to achieve all necessary skills to go further.
According to our swimming program, we have listed all levels along with the time frame required to achieve all the skills:
1)Frogs: 12-36 hours*
2)Starfishs 12-36 hours*
3)Penguins 12-36 hours*
4)Seals 12-36 hours*
5)Marlins 12-36 hours*
6)Dolphins 12-36 hours*
7)Orcas 12-36 hours*
*Depends on the individual abilities.
During assessment week we will take bookings in the old way at the pool only for current swimmers. After your child’s session, you can enroll with us for the next term. Booking will be open out to the public from the 22nd of June 2022. After that date please note that NO places are guaranteed and that bookings are done on a first come first serve basis.
Places are limited that is why we recommend booking your child’s place straight after assessment class.
Please note that we don’t guarantee the same time, the day for booking because the timetable is changing every term based on children’s levels.
Only during assessment week, you will have a chance to pay cash if needed. Please note card machine is not available at the pool anymore but if you would like to pay by card the payment has to go through the app.
If your child/ children will miss the assessment day don’t worry we take under consideration the whole term and they will be assessed during the last lesson they attended. You can email us the next day to book places.
Autumn Term 2022:
Start: 05.09.2022
End: 18.12.2022
Price: 165€ (14 lessons)
Dates free from classes: 31.10.22- 06.11.2022
If your child would like to swim twice a week you will get 20% off for the second pack of lessons.
Each sibling receives a discount- it is a 10€ discount for the second and every subsequent child.
Full payment is required upon booking. According to our Policy, only siblings can pay in 2 installments. Second and finally payment has to be made no later than 2 weeks after the first one.
Summer Intensive Swim Camps 2022:
Dates: 27th June – 19th of August 2022 (8 different weeks to choose)
Time: 12:00am, 12:45 am, 1:30am, 2:15pm (Liffey Valley)
Time: 4:00pm, 4:45 pm, 5:30pm, 6:15pm (Tallaght)
Duration: 45minutes session
Price: 75€ (5 days)
10€ Off When You Book More Than One Camp At The Same Time.