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March 10, 2020
How much time do you need to learn to swim?
Certainly, more than once, when looking for a swimming course for yourself or your child, one question kept coming: “How long does it take...

February 20, 2020
Halliwick in the water – what is it about and what are its benefits?
Thanks to the Halliwick method, everyone, regardless of age, disability and movement problems, can feel free and safe in the water. This met...

February 20, 2020
Can swimming lessons correct posture defects?
Among civilization diseases, posture defects occupy a leading place. How to deal with them? Learning to swim may be a cure, which is becomin...

February 19, 2020
What are the benefits of learning how to swim from an early age?
The child sleeps better, has a better appetite, and gets sick less – these are the benefits that parents most often observe after enrollin...