Over our long break, we at iSwim Academy and our IT team have been working really hard to release a new platform for our customers to take a look around and register your account.
Please note the App is now available for Crumlin and Club Vitae swimming pool, parents from Westwood and Alsaa swimming pool will get the invitation to that Parent Portal on Friday.
The new system allows all our customers a new and easy way to interact with us and use the latest technology that is currently available for our industry. I hope you enjoy it.
What does it mean for you?
-You now can access our schedule and register using the new Customer Portal either on your desktop or the iClass Pro App available in the Apple and Google stores.
-Better filtering options to help you find the right class on the right day, in the right location.
-App’s notification will keep you tuned to our latest news and updates
-View the list of all the skills required to pass to the next level along with a 5-star rating evaluated by the teacher on a regular basis. You won’t have to call the office or speak with the teacher in order to find out how your child is doing and track your child’s attendance.
-Easier access to manage your own account, see announcements, view your class schedule, pay, and book classes.
-With the new software, we introduce a new service- makeup lessons for missed classes
-Access to the live stream (Club Vitae and Crumlin swimming pool only)
-Easy enrolment for future terms and intensive lessons
-Download the iClass Pro app today.
-Note: When you create an account or log in to an existing account, use the code “iswim” when prompted for your organization.
If you are an existing customer of iSwim Academy’s and signing in to the new portal for the first time, please click Forgot Password to select a new password using your email address currently on file with us. We will send you an email to select a new password.
If it does not recognize the email you provide, but you have an account with us, please contact us.